Thanks for sharing your perspective, Emit.

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When a picosecond becomes too slow...I did chuckle at the "open-letter" to pause AI development that was supported by the likes of Musk and other industry heavies. Once this gate opened, it unleashed the next step in our possible evolution - or one step closer to our end. You cannot close it, even if we tried to. I am currently working at a company (rhymes with "schmoogle") where Generative AI is being heavily studied to be applied to a lot of their current products. In short, it's an ethical path taken to studying the AI potential of what can be done with it. But for every ethical developer/scientist, there's probably ten times as many who are currently working to develop it for much more nefarious purposes. Digital worlds will collide with this technology that very few people will have a grasp on. The rest of us will be that collateral damage.

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I am impressed-two thoughtful essays released 26 hours apart.

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