I largely endorse this advice to adjuncts and grad students (as well as postdocs) as a STEM PhD that transitioned to the tech industry when I graduated in 2013.

As you’ve stated, the supply for PhDs has greatly exceeded the demand—particularly tenure track demand—for decades, and the problem only grows worse every year. This is even true for many STEM fields with associated industries; the one exception being certain fields of computer science.

One challenge that I’ve encountered in offering alternative career paths to friends and colleagues is an immediate visceral discomfort in even considering such a transition. I imagine some of that is loss aversion; not wanting to squander the time and effort already spent on the path to becoming a professor. There may also be some fear of the unknown as well as concerns of failing; at least the agony and failure modes of being an adjunct or postdoc are already well known.

I believe that publicizing alternative paths for PhD students and graduates would be of great assistance to these individuals. I personally benefited from the boom in demand for data scientists in the early 2010’s, in that the tech industry put many resources into publicity and outreach. There may be similar opportunities in other fields.

Further, PhD programs shouldn’t feel threatened by these alternative paths and may actually benefit from them. Even before tech started hunting for STEM PhDs, the finance industry had established academic connections and dedicated recruiting resources to poach these individuals. Students like myself who were aware of these opportunities at the time of application found them a valuable hedge in de-risking the time and effort we were preparing to invest.

Finally, institutional changes in PhD programs would also help. The low odds of tenure for all but the most elite programs should be clearly communicated to applicants alongside alternative career paths. The programs should foster connections with firms in applicable industries and host career fairs.

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The plight of adjunct teachers in higher education is one of many problems confronting colleges and universities. The economics of the issue may in time resolve some of the difficulties. But there is much more here. Their difficulties are often viewed as necessary form those who head these institutions, or are seen by many as workers exploited in terms of the poor working condition and terrible salaries. The central problem with the excessive use of adjuncts is that these institutions seem to have lost sight of the importance of educating students. This should be their primary mission. Adjuncts and the quality of the education are compromised in a number of ways. This teacher so often has a teaching load far greater than any tenured faculty and are paid for piece work with each course taught. This is done for money that is far short of what they deserve.

There is also a lot of talk about the savings and yet the quality of the offerings will suffer. These schools generate millions of dollars in putting out massive athletic teams and also continue to raise tuition fees each year. The argument continues that budgets have to be balanced and they must remain competitive with other schools. Adjuncts are almost powerless in bringing these problems to the public's attention.

Adjuncts are compromised too in their pursuit of academic freedom. They are beholden to an increasing and demanding student population and administrations looking out for signs of objectionable discussions they perceive as a threat to their schools or a student's ideological preferences. A adjunct's freedom of expression is bound to be sacrificed.

There are so easy solutions to this predicament, and over time the economic supply and demand may resolve some of the difficulties. But let's start to pay these partners in learning a decent wage and to teach with the integrity for which they have giving many years of study.

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I have been an adjunct professor on the fringes of Academe at Seattle University, Bakersfield College and the UVA. I knew a friend who was an adjunct professor at NYU for 7 years. But pathways to a solid career were few it seemed to me.

One of the things I noticed that marriage and family life was almost impossible under those circumstances. Molto honore poco contante as the Italians say. I was called Professor Munro for $22 an hour no benefits and no future pension. I would say it was an interesting experience, but I truly enjoyed teaching HS much more.

My HS AP students were superior (generally speaking) to my adult JC students. I also had greater freedom to choose my curriculum. At the JC one was mandated to teach the book everyone used. Most were crap and overpriced. They charged students over $250 dollars for materials for Spanish 1a and 1B.

From my JC students I gained private police officers they were astonished that I used inexpensive materials $10.95 for Teacher Yourself Spanish books and CD's and $7.95 for Collins dictionary. I told them all they needed were those tools, notebooks, colored pencils and index cards and they could learn any language but they had to invest 3-5 years.

Of course, my colleagues at the JC didn't really like HS teachers. They resented I took students away from them (AP students tested out). They always resented I taught police officers at 5AM. Working people found it difficult to advance via JC scheduled classes a 1Pm or 4PM what everyone wanted to teach.

I studied Spanish for five years in Junior High and High school plus four years in the university and four years in Graduate school (Summers in Spain) I loved studying in Spain (half my teachers were Spanish and he other half were Cuban Americans) and having the opportunity to travel in Western Europe. Of course, Spanish changed my life it was my one expertise besides typing that was always in demand. I worked for the Bank of America, the Marine Corps and in construction. Knowing Spanish was always advantageous. It kept me in the Caribbean and the Mediterranean, everyone else went to Okinawa.

JC students were easy to handle however. I made a choice to be very competitive k-12 teacher. In stead of a narrow education I had a broad education. I was certified to teach in English, Spanish and Social Studies with a bilingual certificate of competence. And I coached soccer and baseball. I enjoyed that when I was young.

At one time I gained 30 credits toward my PhD at UVA but I cut my losses (maxed out my pay grade). It was not a matter of doing the academic work. It was just too costly for very little opportunities. I studied at the Curry School. D- intellectual atmosphere IMHO.

I had 35 year old PhDs who had never heard of Barzun or Highet or even Will Durant. And you could forget about Spanish or French or British literature. Most seemed to have never read a read book in their lives. They loved the Pedagogy of Oppression (complete crap and an evil book). I was a TA for an adjunct who taught a class on intelligence (not in the Curry Schoo). and that was ok I graded about 300 final exams . As an AP teacher I was good at that. UVA outside of the the Curry School was sold but compared to NYU or Oxford or Salamanca low wattage.

K-12 I earned great benefits for my family plus one year of sabbatical (I spent at UVA and traveled) plus a solid pension I am enjoying now.

I got an MA in Spanish literature in Spain and enjoyed that very much.

Most graduate work in Teacher Ed was merely jumping through hoops it didn't thrill me.

K-12 education had its flaws -I found it frustrating that most Administrators didn't really care about education or standards. To many I was just a cog to fill in a schedule. I worked as a utility player. I taught over dozen preps in three subject areas. I stayed employed but was not happy not being able to teach one curriculum and really getting to know it.

I taught AP US history for five years and AP Spanish and Spanish Literature for 12 years but the demand was not there. They don't even teach AP at my former school. Everything is via computer and via JC concurrent credit. Bottom line is kids don't write essays, don't research. Now they say kids have AI do their essays and HW. Brave New World!

The demand and summer schoolwork was in ESL so I gradually specialized in ESL Social Studies and ESL English (all levels).

The advantage was I had mostly immigrant students who were so grateful not to be in Venezuela, El Salvador, Egypt Burma Syrian Russia or Iraq that they were very happy (and mostly serious students).

My favorite classes were Spanish for Native Speakers and English as a Second Language.

Most were very enthusiastic.

My least favorite classes were make up summer school for football players in World History. Administrators would tell me x y and z needed an A or B to be eligible. My response was you should be talking to them not me. Of course, I never taught again for that administrator (he was later fired for indiscretions anyway).

Another least favorite class merely a pot boiler as Spanish 1 for Americans. My only interesting students were a pair of Yemeni sisters they were fascinated by Arabic words in Spanish and made for me (I still have a series of posters in Arabic Spanish and English educational and moral quotes of Muhammed). Of course they were model students. 100% attendance. They also became fluent in Spanish and work at their parent's local 7-11. Each one had ten children I think. We have a growing Muslim community. Every Muslim student I knew married and had children. I had one male student who had 8 children by the time he graduated from HS (his wife lived in Yemen and emigrated at age 16). As far as I know she still speaks no English.

Too many American students just were goof offs in my experience. It was all I could to tolerate them. OF course, the Administrators didn't care as long as everyone got at least a D or C.

I also tutored a few football players, privately in Spanish but I did that as a favor.

My best private students were police officers and firemen. They WANTED to learn.

I also tutored the children of teachers in AP US government and AP US history and AP European history. I had a certain reputation everyone I had got a 5. But it was a great experience with kids who wanted to excel.

Unfortunately, I never taught AP European history in HS myself but two of my children studied it in HS (and got 5's). My own children were AP Scholars. I respect AP because it is a rigorous curriculum. To get a 5 in AP Spanish Literature is no easy matter. To get 5s simultaneously in AP Calculus AP Environmental Science AP US History AP European history and AP English is rare and a true intellectual achievement.

But most Americans were intellectually lazy especially when it came to foreign languages. in my experience. Two of my children are teachers by the way the other is an engineer) -one is a K-6 Dual Immersion teacher and the other is a HS AP Spanish teacher (who teaches IN his class JC college level classes also for some extra money. He also tutors Minor League Baseball players for good money for a MLB club. Like me they went for financial security and tenure via k-12 education.

I had a wonderful junior HS teacher in Ancient History and I asked him why he wasn't an PhD in College - He knew Italian, Latin and Greek- He showed me his wife and family four kids -he said you have to make choices I chose personal happiness and family life.

I have no regrets.

Personally I am very glad I did not hang out in graduate school for years.

Most of my graduate school was really in Spain in a non college atmosphere. Most of the women I dated were museum docents American express travel agents, or nurses or neighbors. Most were readers and well-educated esp by American standard a high school graduate in France or Spain or Italy was at least equivalent to most AA or BA's in America.

Thinking back very few of the women I dated were college students. or even English-speakers.

In my life I Mosty dated native Spanish speakers followed by native Portuguese speakers native Greek speakers and at least one French dame.

I dated a few Irish Americans it never amounted to much. Their mothers (Irish immigrants) loved me but the daughters very Americanized were indifferent. They never wrote to me when I was in the service. I returned to the ladies who did write me.

For whatever reason I was seen as very attractive to Latins.

I think that is because I came from an immigrant family. My mother and her mother grew up on an Island with 300 people and my father's mother grew up in rural Argyll. All were devoutly religious and very traditional wives and mothers. They were mostly horrified and shocked by the mores and manners of American women.. They would not allow their children to be baby sat by American for example. The mothers of the Latin and Greek women I dated always loved me and welcomed me. I courted the women I dated.

I was a gentleman and considered good marriage material. I used to attend religious services with the relatives and parents of the women I dated. They respected that. I didn't mind attending Greek Orthodox, Evangelical services or Catholic services. I found it interesting. In the service I attended Jewish services and was very friendly with the Naval Chaplain (he lent me books).

And I lived happily ever after so it worked out.

Staying away from the Adjunct Life was a smart decision.

Nice place to visit but you wouldn't want to live there.

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I remember an amusing - but true - remark which one of the profs at my university (like Dr. Brands, UT Austin) made in the early 70s. This was in the Dept. of Linguistics. He gave a talk to prospective Ph.D. candidates on the job market. He said half-seriously: "A few years ago, it was dangerous for a grad student to attend a conference. He or she couldn't walk down the hall of the conference hotel without being tackled by recruiters wanting him/her to accept a tenure-track job at their university. But that's not the case now. The job market is tight." Some of my fellow students got antsy about the job market and picked up a "security degree" in law, business administration, or whatever.

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All factual statements. What is not addressed is the harm to the academy and higher education by this market failure. Plenty of occupations are a disaster, however (see airline pilots looking for anyone fogging a mirror after firing every pilot for about 15 years)

Did this lack of jobs create the complete collapse of rigor (or general seriousness) in the humanities? Seems like there should be more diversity in areas of expertise and better contribution to society from serious historians. A Barzun, Hobsbawm, Van Doren were highly regarded by medium and high brow. Read your latest journal or worse, attend a humanities conference and witness real time self immolation.

Brands (both author and progeny), Paul Kennedy, Gaddis, et al. are great, but still seem too divorced from more mainstream. Weeding out the unserious (before graduate school) and focus studies on what should be learned would help.

At a minimum, disparate political interests should focus on increasing tenured teachers by gutting worthless admin. Right would win by destroying DEI cancer and some lefty adjuncts could get a living wage.

There have been crazier political bedfellows…

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interesting that Barzun Van Doren etc were mentioned here. Brands deserves to be mentioned with them. He is an author and teacher. He wouldn't have to be in a college. I agree we have a worthless administration like a cancer growing bigger and bigger esp DEI. What a nightmare! The New Commissars. Totally negative influence.

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Yes. I mentioned the Brands men with the list of great contemporary academics. My disappointment is not of there doing, but of our society’s zeitgeist being too dulled for proper engagement.

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