Immigration, broadly speaking, no doubt has been a continuing blessing to our country and to those who come here. I say that as a naturalized citizen myself. However, several things not mentioned in Dr. Brands’ post have contributed to the success of — or the resentment of — immigration in America: (1) The distinction between legal versus illegal immigration. It’s important that people are seen as following the immigration laws as enacted by Congress. It breeds resentment when people who’ve stood in line, waited, and followed the rules to obtain citizenship and our native-born citizens see others try jump the line. (2) And even if illegal immigrants don’t commit crimes at higher rates than those who already live here, their sheer numbers plainly add to the crime burden and the strain on already stretched educational and social services. (3) The erosion over the last few decades of a “melting pot” ethos that historically has contributed to success and acceptance of immigrants in America, who maintain their ethnic identity, but nevertheless accept and internalize American cultural and political values. In very recent times, this no doubt has contributed to the anti-Semitism we’ve seen on a number of American college campuses.
We have a son-in-law who has become a U S citizen. Most folks have no clue how difficult is the legal route to citizenship. I sponsored him and it took three years - and he’s a doctor. I agree that legal citizenship should be required, but we must vote out the lazy congress (both parties) who would rather use this issue as a dog whistle than make serious reforms.
Unless you are American Indian, you are or have immigrant roots.
I see the problem as more blurry and being deliberately made so by the right. Yes some people do cross illegally just to stay and work.
BUT there are many others who come here seeking asylum- they are entitled to this LEGALLY by US and international law and it is no a requirement under the law to access a defined crossing point of entry to seek asylum.
Also, ou are assuming resentment with no actual factual evidence to back that up. When our political system actually makes it harder to come here legally, desparate people will do what they need to.
GWBush tried to reform our system which included documenting the undocumented and issuing work visas. Guess who shot that down? Republicans Can you say xenophobia? That is the driving motivation behind their obstruction of reform then and now
"even if illegal immigrants don’t commit crimes at higher rates" WTH? "even if" It is not an "even if" it is a FACT - FACT- period.
As to strain on resources- it is also a FACT that illega immigrants contribute more in taxs than they get from govt benefits including education or social services
Finally- melting pot? Ha. The "melting pot" was essentially a white anglo-saxon protestant construct to ensure people coming here worked to blend into THAT construct. It was meant to blur or eliminate the immigrants' original culture and mores. This largely happened to those easily able to blend- germans, italians, irish.. well , anyone with white skin. Immigrants were never really encouraged to "maintain their ethnic identity" though some, like the Irish, held on to large aspects of being Irish or of Irish descent.
What is happening now, with more darker skinned people coming (by both legal and illegal means) is that portion of our population does not want to be on the opposite side of the equation when we become a majority-minority nation-
At least 60% of asylum claims are denied, and according to a recent Pew poll, 75% polled believe the border is a crisis or serious problem, so it’s not only “the right’s” concern. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama voiced similar concerns about the border. And uncontrolled immigration is fueling violence and extremist backlashes across the Western world, especially in Europe.
The last president to really try border issue reform was GW Bush- and his own party threw that attempt in the toilet as the MAGAGOP did to Biden when he reached a deal with Senate Republicans. Trump and MAGAGOP don’t give two hoots about the border, or migrants or root cause- they rest on their hate and lust for power.
Yes Europe has the same issues but the difference is that Europe didn’t create the crisis in Syria, Sudan, etc.
Meanwhile, the destabilized nations of Latin America are like that largely due to US foreign policy- overthrowing govts, supporting dictators and death squads and forcing our corporate entities on their nations-and invading when the local governments were not pliable to our corporations
Oh on last comment- I don't know if General Patton really said it or if this is anecdotal but to paraphrase- during WW2 he allegedly said something to the effect they were going to be fighting Italians and Germans etc and his army was made up of immigrants from those foreign nations- but his men were from that stock of people with the bravery and guts to leave their homeland and travel to America whereas the enemy was from the stock of those nations to cowardly to leave
Much of the successes and failures of immigration in the U.S. has been chronicled in their mass media. From racism and threatened genocide to simple misunderstanding, prejudice, mockery and confusion about who "we" and "they" are, it's all there.
IDo you think perhaps the approach taken by the Biden/Harris administration could be part of the negative attitude many Americans have? The constant gaslighting by the legacy media acting as if there is no problem at the Southern Border. As a taxpayer, I don't like thay the Biden/Harris Administration is destroying our sovereignty and driving our country in communism using a Cloward-Piven political strategy. There evil elements at work here that do not have anything to do with taking in immigrants who are seeking asylum. It's about destroying the fabric of America forever which is why they seek to destroy history and use critical race theory to brainwash future generations. The continual dumming down of the youth. This unhinged invasion of the southern border is not about building a better America. It's about destabilizing America so that they can usher in the globalist tyranny. We will own nothing and be happy. Something to be defeated if humanity wants to ascend to greater heights. We must reject the continuation of the tyranny that threatens ALL of mankind.
My second thought- you cite the influx of Germans, then Irish, Italian, etc etc. While they, like the current migrants at out southern border, were fleeing economic or social conditions in their native lands for a better opportunity here.. a KEY DIFFERENCE in my opinion- is the root causes of those conditions. In the mid-to-late 1800s through the early 1900s, the conditions in Germany, Ireland, Italy etal were not really influenced by US policy.
Now, the migrants at the southern border largely come from nations which US foreign policy has affected negatively for over 100 years. A century or more of overthrowing governments on behalf of US corporations (United Fruit for example), installing anti-communist dictators (Somoza), or placing sanctions because of opposition to internal economic policies (Venezuala).
The USA has deliberately undermined economic and political security and until the Biden administration, no political party wanted to address it. The false narrative of the GOP is that Harris was a "border czar" - she wasn't- that role belongs to Homeland Security. Harris was tasked with (Finally) addressing root cause and as such was key to pushing dollars into Nicaurauga, Guatemala and Honduras for economic aid and business development. These efforts actually bore fruit and reduced immigration from these (the triangle) nations.
But unfortunately, by the time the actions above started becoming effective, our continued policies toward Venezuala created a new surge of migration from that nation.
We have one party that wants to solve the issue and another that wants to use migrant misery for political gain. Which way the voters swing will give show us the morality of the American voter.
Second, flooding the United States with millions of immigrants illegally crossing the Southern Border, unvetted, and not only putting American lives in danger, but also immigrant women and children's lives in danger. Also allowing over a hundred thousand America deaths from fentanyl pouring in from the negligence of the Biden/Harris administration. Both Biden and Harris are 100% responsible for this irresponsible and intentional invasion at the border. This world has been set on fire by Biden/Harris policies. The country is $34 Trillion in debt with $1 Trillion in debt being added every 100 days. Meanwhile Biden/Harris lie about the inflation and unemployment data. They've added a disproportionate number of jobs to the government sector. No, Biden/Harris and the Democrat party are not trying to solve anything but keeping themselves in power, lining their own pockets, and ensuring that future generations are debt slaves.
and calling future generations "debt slaves" due to our federal budget and debt shows an ingnorance on how federal financing actually works- the federal budget and finance are not like your checking account or credit card bill
One can always tell when a respondent online is a troll when they don't use their real name, but I will give you facts and links to those facts anyway.
Border: Harris was NOT- repeat NOT - named as border czar. Why is it right wingers can't seem to understand actual FACTS. The link you provided was from the GOP controlled House literally making stuff up. If your name was Bob but I kept calling you Jim I could then tell the news media that you were Jim, right? That's the nature of your weak argument! Harris was tasked with addressing the root cause of migration from Honduras, Nicauragua and El Salvador- which she did, by channeling funding to facilitate jobs and security in those nations and it worked. Migration from these 'Triangle" countries decreased. Unfortunately, instability in Venezuala, in part due to our sanctions, increased migration from that nation.[1] Congress writes our immigration laws and needs to do its job- a president only has so much leeway legally via executive orders.
Fentynal? The facts prove that fentynal are largely getting into the country via legal ports of entry [4], not with illegal immigrants. Some might be due to corruption. But more would get caught if we had more border patrol agents and customs agent- something that was on track with the funding legislation negotiated by the Biden Admin with Senate GOP. But the legislation failed because toddler DonOld told House MAGA to tank the deal and they did- so MAGAGOP owns the border issues now.[2]
Unemployment and inflation- those are public numbers- stick to facts dude.
Govt jobs only amounted to 43,000.
Other sectors:
entertainment and hospitality registered an increase of 42,000
outpatient health services added 43,000 positions,
hospitals 15,000
nursing sector 11,000.
So non-govt jobs equals 111,000
Your talking point is blatantly false[3]
Debt-Trump added twice as much to the national debt as Biden [5] And not all debt is the same. Trump's debt didn't do squat for the country other than give tax breaks to wealthy and corporations exacerbating income inequality. Legislation under Biden such as the Inflation Reduction Act, Chips Act, etc., may have added to the debt but have also added programs to bring jobs to the USA as well as improving infrastructure for the future. It's like spending money as debt on fancy travel (trump) vs having debt for an education (biden) which pays off on the future. But I am sure the distinction is lost on you.[5]
And talk about lining pockets? Really? Trump reported making more than $1.6 billion while president [6] And that doesn't count the $10million from Egypt![7] Trump is as corrupt as a three dollar bill!
My first thought is: "Emma Lazarus played a bad trick on America with her Statue of Liberty poem. “Give me your tired, your poor / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free / The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.” Poor the immigrants might have been. And yearning to breathe free. But they weren’t the wretched refuse of anyone’s shore.
---> These were the men and women with the character traits most essential to success in America.
Immigration, broadly speaking, no doubt has been a continuing blessing to our country and to those who come here. I say that as a naturalized citizen myself. However, several things not mentioned in Dr. Brands’ post have contributed to the success of — or the resentment of — immigration in America: (1) The distinction between legal versus illegal immigration. It’s important that people are seen as following the immigration laws as enacted by Congress. It breeds resentment when people who’ve stood in line, waited, and followed the rules to obtain citizenship and our native-born citizens see others try jump the line. (2) And even if illegal immigrants don’t commit crimes at higher rates than those who already live here, their sheer numbers plainly add to the crime burden and the strain on already stretched educational and social services. (3) The erosion over the last few decades of a “melting pot” ethos that historically has contributed to success and acceptance of immigrants in America, who maintain their ethnic identity, but nevertheless accept and internalize American cultural and political values. In very recent times, this no doubt has contributed to the anti-Semitism we’ve seen on a number of American college campuses.
We have a son-in-law who has become a U S citizen. Most folks have no clue how difficult is the legal route to citizenship. I sponsored him and it took three years - and he’s a doctor. I agree that legal citizenship should be required, but we must vote out the lazy congress (both parties) who would rather use this issue as a dog whistle than make serious reforms.
Unless you are American Indian, you are or have immigrant roots.
To your points
I see the problem as more blurry and being deliberately made so by the right. Yes some people do cross illegally just to stay and work.
BUT there are many others who come here seeking asylum- they are entitled to this LEGALLY by US and international law and it is no a requirement under the law to access a defined crossing point of entry to seek asylum.
Also, ou are assuming resentment with no actual factual evidence to back that up. When our political system actually makes it harder to come here legally, desparate people will do what they need to.
GWBush tried to reform our system which included documenting the undocumented and issuing work visas. Guess who shot that down? Republicans Can you say xenophobia? That is the driving motivation behind their obstruction of reform then and now
"even if illegal immigrants don’t commit crimes at higher rates" WTH? "even if" It is not an "even if" it is a FACT - FACT- period.
As to strain on resources- it is also a FACT that illega immigrants contribute more in taxs than they get from govt benefits including education or social services
Finally- melting pot? Ha. The "melting pot" was essentially a white anglo-saxon protestant construct to ensure people coming here worked to blend into THAT construct. It was meant to blur or eliminate the immigrants' original culture and mores. This largely happened to those easily able to blend- germans, italians, irish.. well , anyone with white skin. Immigrants were never really encouraged to "maintain their ethnic identity" though some, like the Irish, held on to large aspects of being Irish or of Irish descent.
What is happening now, with more darker skinned people coming (by both legal and illegal means) is that portion of our population does not want to be on the opposite side of the equation when we become a majority-minority nation-
At least 60% of asylum claims are denied, and according to a recent Pew poll, 75% polled believe the border is a crisis or serious problem, so it’s not only “the right’s” concern. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama voiced similar concerns about the border. And uncontrolled immigration is fueling violence and extremist backlashes across the Western world, especially in Europe.
The last president to really try border issue reform was GW Bush- and his own party threw that attempt in the toilet as the MAGAGOP did to Biden when he reached a deal with Senate Republicans. Trump and MAGAGOP don’t give two hoots about the border, or migrants or root cause- they rest on their hate and lust for power.
Yes Europe has the same issues but the difference is that Europe didn’t create the crisis in Syria, Sudan, etc.
Meanwhile, the destabilized nations of Latin America are like that largely due to US foreign policy- overthrowing govts, supporting dictators and death squads and forcing our corporate entities on their nations-and invading when the local governments were not pliable to our corporations
Oh on last comment- I don't know if General Patton really said it or if this is anecdotal but to paraphrase- during WW2 he allegedly said something to the effect they were going to be fighting Italians and Germans etc and his army was made up of immigrants from those foreign nations- but his men were from that stock of people with the bravery and guts to leave their homeland and travel to America whereas the enemy was from the stock of those nations to cowardly to leave
Much of the successes and failures of immigration in the U.S. has been chronicled in their mass media. From racism and threatened genocide to simple misunderstanding, prejudice, mockery and confusion about who "we" and "they" are, it's all there.
IDo you think perhaps the approach taken by the Biden/Harris administration could be part of the negative attitude many Americans have? The constant gaslighting by the legacy media acting as if there is no problem at the Southern Border. As a taxpayer, I don't like thay the Biden/Harris Administration is destroying our sovereignty and driving our country in communism using a Cloward-Piven political strategy. There evil elements at work here that do not have anything to do with taking in immigrants who are seeking asylum. It's about destroying the fabric of America forever which is why they seek to destroy history and use critical race theory to brainwash future generations. The continual dumming down of the youth. This unhinged invasion of the southern border is not about building a better America. It's about destabilizing America so that they can usher in the globalist tyranny. We will own nothing and be happy. Something to be defeated if humanity wants to ascend to greater heights. We must reject the continuation of the tyranny that threatens ALL of mankind.
My second thought- you cite the influx of Germans, then Irish, Italian, etc etc. While they, like the current migrants at out southern border, were fleeing economic or social conditions in their native lands for a better opportunity here.. a KEY DIFFERENCE in my opinion- is the root causes of those conditions. In the mid-to-late 1800s through the early 1900s, the conditions in Germany, Ireland, Italy etal were not really influenced by US policy.
Now, the migrants at the southern border largely come from nations which US foreign policy has affected negatively for over 100 years. A century or more of overthrowing governments on behalf of US corporations (United Fruit for example), installing anti-communist dictators (Somoza), or placing sanctions because of opposition to internal economic policies (Venezuala).
The USA has deliberately undermined economic and political security and until the Biden administration, no political party wanted to address it. The false narrative of the GOP is that Harris was a "border czar" - she wasn't- that role belongs to Homeland Security. Harris was tasked with (Finally) addressing root cause and as such was key to pushing dollars into Nicaurauga, Guatemala and Honduras for economic aid and business development. These efforts actually bore fruit and reduced immigration from these (the triangle) nations.
But unfortunately, by the time the actions above started becoming effective, our continued policies toward Venezuala created a new surge of migration from that nation.
We have one party that wants to solve the issue and another that wants to use migrant misery for political gain. Which way the voters swing will give show us the morality of the American voter.
So untrue. First, Kamala was named the Border Czar
Second, flooding the United States with millions of immigrants illegally crossing the Southern Border, unvetted, and not only putting American lives in danger, but also immigrant women and children's lives in danger. Also allowing over a hundred thousand America deaths from fentanyl pouring in from the negligence of the Biden/Harris administration. Both Biden and Harris are 100% responsible for this irresponsible and intentional invasion at the border. This world has been set on fire by Biden/Harris policies. The country is $34 Trillion in debt with $1 Trillion in debt being added every 100 days. Meanwhile Biden/Harris lie about the inflation and unemployment data. They've added a disproportionate number of jobs to the government sector. No, Biden/Harris and the Democrat party are not trying to solve anything but keeping themselves in power, lining their own pockets, and ensuring that future generations are debt slaves.
and calling future generations "debt slaves" due to our federal budget and debt shows an ingnorance on how federal financing actually works- the federal budget and finance are not like your checking account or credit card bill
One can always tell when a respondent online is a troll when they don't use their real name, but I will give you facts and links to those facts anyway.
Border: Harris was NOT- repeat NOT - named as border czar. Why is it right wingers can't seem to understand actual FACTS. The link you provided was from the GOP controlled House literally making stuff up. If your name was Bob but I kept calling you Jim I could then tell the news media that you were Jim, right? That's the nature of your weak argument! Harris was tasked with addressing the root cause of migration from Honduras, Nicauragua and El Salvador- which she did, by channeling funding to facilitate jobs and security in those nations and it worked. Migration from these 'Triangle" countries decreased. Unfortunately, instability in Venezuala, in part due to our sanctions, increased migration from that nation.[1] Congress writes our immigration laws and needs to do its job- a president only has so much leeway legally via executive orders.
Fentynal? The facts prove that fentynal are largely getting into the country via legal ports of entry [4], not with illegal immigrants. Some might be due to corruption. But more would get caught if we had more border patrol agents and customs agent- something that was on track with the funding legislation negotiated by the Biden Admin with Senate GOP. But the legislation failed because toddler DonOld told House MAGA to tank the deal and they did- so MAGAGOP owns the border issues now.[2]
Unemployment and inflation- those are public numbers- stick to facts dude.
Govt jobs only amounted to 43,000.
Other sectors:
entertainment and hospitality registered an increase of 42,000
outpatient health services added 43,000 positions,
hospitals 15,000
nursing sector 11,000.
So non-govt jobs equals 111,000
Your talking point is blatantly false[3]
Debt-Trump added twice as much to the national debt as Biden [5] And not all debt is the same. Trump's debt didn't do squat for the country other than give tax breaks to wealthy and corporations exacerbating income inequality. Legislation under Biden such as the Inflation Reduction Act, Chips Act, etc., may have added to the debt but have also added programs to bring jobs to the USA as well as improving infrastructure for the future. It's like spending money as debt on fancy travel (trump) vs having debt for an education (biden) which pays off on the future. But I am sure the distinction is lost on you.[5]
And talk about lining pockets? Really? Trump reported making more than $1.6 billion while president [6] And that doesn't count the $10million from Egypt![7] Trump is as corrupt as a three dollar bill!
[1] [2]
Everyone who disagrees with you must be a troll. Your left-leaning media sources don't mean squat.
Then stay ignorant- it was not unexpected
My first thought is: "Emma Lazarus played a bad trick on America with her Statue of Liberty poem. “Give me your tired, your poor / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free / The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.” Poor the immigrants might have been. And yearning to breathe free. But they weren’t the wretched refuse of anyone’s shore.
---> These were the men and women with the character traits most essential to success in America.