The famous evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins (whom I have met on a couple of occasions) actually propagated this same "cultural evolution" when he invented the term "meme" and Meme Theory but conceded the concept wasn't novel. He used the term 'meme' in his book The Selfish Gene. His position was that ideas and knowledge get passed on and either succeed and propagate or die off as "memes' much like biological beings do over time due to evolutionary pressures.
The famous evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins (whom I have met on a couple of occasions) actually propagated this same "cultural evolution" when he invented the term "meme" and Meme Theory but conceded the concept wasn't novel. He used the term 'meme' in his book The Selfish Gene. His position was that ideas and knowledge get passed on and either succeed and propagate or die off as "memes' much like biological beings do over time due to evolutionary pressures.
Yes, the concept of meme became a meme itself. It's very useful.