I agree age is a number and not necessarily a limiting factor. The limiting factor for Biden is that he really does not have much wisdom or mental capacity. As his mental capacity continues to decline, so does the limited wisdom. If Biden wins 2024, we’re very likely to have a President Harris by 2026. Yikes!

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This is an excellent analysis by a renowned presidential historian of the pros and cons of an aged president, whether it's Woodrow Wilson, Ronald Reagan, or Joe Biden. Another case study might be Franklin Roosevelt in 1944-45 -- he was in very poor physical health but had a strong vision of a post-war world.

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Character is important. Judgement is important. Wisdom that comes from experience is also crucial. President's also need capable aides and advisors. All these elements are far more important than the president's age.

I often thought Wilson's wife Edith had a lot to do with his unwillingly to compromise with those key Senators in gaining approval of this crucial treaty.

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Since we know that Reagan sent people to Europe to sabatogue Carter's attempt to end the Iranian hostage crisis- IMO a "sharper' reagan would have likely did a better job of hiding the Iran-Contra crime - and possibly committed other such crimes.

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