Your contribution to the study of American socialism illustrates its generic quality. Last night in his 2023 State of the Union address President Biden claimed to be a capitalist and that the USA is based on an idea, not geography or ethnicity. In response Arkansas Governor Sanders called him crazy, with good reason although her own unmoored sense of reality soon became clear. The material base of the USA is the western hemisphere and its historically almost exclusively Native American population whose various histories and cultures continue to and will increasingly distinguish the many regions. As for Biden being a capitalist, it's an exclusive club that people of every class delude themselves into believing that they are members, including Donald Trump.

Your work bringing attention to Nellie Bly's 1893 conversation with Emma Goldmann implies generic socialism for all involved, and of course the debt owed to Karl Marx by the world. Currently I'm reading Helen Keller's articles written in the early thirties to develop the inner strength of her readers to combat the Great Depression and growing militarism from a Christian socialist perspective.

Ignorance and fear of socialism continues to be a fundamental problem, the reason the truly existential threat of an accelerating sixth mass extinction is ignored, why health care for everyone at half the current cost is opposed, and why the US Supreme Court ruled that the federal government lacked authority under the Constitution to protect the environment.

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Just fabulous stuff, as usual. Thank you so much for this. I do so look forward to each of your essays. Bill Rusen

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Glad you enjoyed it, Bill

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