Madison happily happened to know How to elect his friend Jimmy Monroe Sending the Feds in despondence a'reeling Monroe won the prize on a wave of good feeling Yet foreign affairs kept Monroe from his rest His shrewdness was soon enough put to the test Spain muttered of claiming her colonies lost Her allies said they would help cover the cost Monroe, with assistance from Adams the younger Essayed to discourage imperial hunger Hands off the Americas, said he to all Europe It’s us now, we Yanks, with our boots in the stirrup Adams the younger, the bookish John Quincy Had trained to be president constantly since he Had clerked for his father in Paris and Holland And reckoned that government must be his calling. But after Monroe the election was crowded Four candidates left the succession beclouded Adams and Jackson and Crawford and Clay Fought stoutly straight through to the balloting day. Jackson came first, but without a majority Adams obtained the next largest minority The House had the task of making decision And keeping the factions from baneful collision Clay’s key endorsement gave Adams the victory Jackson’s men spluttered in outraged asperity “Corruption!
Great stuff!! It so reminds me of Alexander Pope's poems. I've been looking to find something similar.