
Some state legislatures did their business virtually during the pandemic. It would be interesting to see Congress do the same thing.

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Please think about this problem from a systems engineering perspective. List the REQUIREMENTS for what a legislature would need to conduct business and then get back to me. I believe the answer is Zoom, Skype, etc. I'm not joking. Geographical power centers create unwanted lobbyists and carpetbaggers. There is a subset of industrial psychology which shows buildings, and specifically the sizes of them, can contribute to counterproductivity.

Now, if you want to house the Congress and Senate in their respective State's Capitol buildings, I'm much more for that, as it forces us to work within the idea of the States superseding Federal authority except for that which is listed in the Constitution. This is not a political statement, this is a matter of fact. In fact, I'm arguing that the creation of a federal capitol is probably how this Constitutional prescription and order went off the rails. On purpose?

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