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As Jackson stepped back from the field of contention Van Buren stepped forward with noble intention Thought clever and cunning, a wily old fox Van Buren prepared to deliver some knocks But Van was the one who did feel the earth shaking By markets financial soon set all a-quaking When with a great bursting a real-estate bubble Collapsed and left fortunes of many in rubble Van Buren thus earned the unwelcome distinction Of being first president doomed to extinction By after-effects of a stock market blast Van B was the first but would not be the last Harrison Esq. was born in a mansion And yet in an age of incessant expansion He ran on his rep as an Indian fighter Log cabin his home and his tipple hard cider The oldest so far was this Tippecanoe And one of the endlessly wordiest too And shortest to live much beyond the inaugural Soon laid to his rest in a White House first funeral A president dies; and then what’s his successor A genuine prez, or some officer lesser? John Tyler full boldly asserted his claim: “I’m really the prez and am not just in name” Tyler’s audacity wasn’t esteemed By those whose ambition still ardently gleamed His party, the Whigs, brusquely gave him the boot His tenure soon swiftly descended the chute