Article voiceover
When Jefferson's tenure did finally begin An era in politics quickly set in. He said we’re Republicans and Federalists too But the days of the latter were basically through He said he liked governments modest and small And liked the state governments best of them all. The feds must forever be limited to What a strict Constitution allowed them to do. But fate caused his thinking to subtly shift When France’s Napoleon offered a gift. La belle Louisiane was TJ’s to buy If he could but make his stern scruples comply. Now TJ was torn to know which way to turn. Insist on his conscience and Bonaparte spurn? Or rise above principle just this one time And make a grand bargain forever sublime? For America’s future till centuries hence He purchased the parcel so rich and immense. His enemies snickered and acted all snark While off to explore it went Lewis and Clark. Soon Barbary corsairs across the Atlantic Were making American mariners frantic By kidnapping crews under customs piratic With ransoms demanded, fulfillment erratic. To chasten the pirates he sent off marines. Encounters included some memorable scenes. But pirates were symptoms and not the true cause Of much broader conflict that trampled sea laws. The president pondered just how to defend American rights, and honor to mend. If Britain and France steal so many a cargo, I know, said TJ, I’ll declare an embargo! For all of his planning the act was a flop. It didn't get merchants their shipping to stop. Instead they returned to the habit of smuggling And left TJ's overseas policy struggling.
Alexander Pope would be proud of you. Great couplets!
Writing poetry is not hard.
Writing GOOD poetry, however, is incredibly difficult.
Well done, sir!